This week, News Editors Ira Buch ’25 and Katharine Ellis ’26 take us back to weekend events hosted during the 1974, 1975, and 1976 school years.
Buch and Ellis reviewed past issues of The Record and photos from the archives to assemble notes on past festivities.
The First Co-Ed Dance
In 1974, the social committee organized its first dance of the year. Given that this was the first fall of coeducation at the school, there were around four times the number of boys as girls on campus. In response, the school bused in girls from nearby Miss Porter’s school to join in the festivities.
Casino Nights
On Saturday, May 3, 1975, the school’s Dining Hall was packed with students playing card games, including blackjack, craps, roulette, poker, and bingo. The $1 admissions fee covered five chips, and participants paid 10 cents for each additional chip.
The night didn’t just bring fun to all the participants. It raised over $400, which was split between the Sharon Hospital and financial support for a needy child.
On Saturday, January 31, 1976, the girls were invited to attend another Casino Night at Deerfield Academy, which was all-boys at the time.
Events with Alums
On Sunday, April 30, 1976, alumni from the classes of 1966 and 1941 hosted a variety of events for the students. From 7 to 9 p.m., students attended talks by alumni on topics including job opportunities in business, business co-ownership with a spouse, and relationship advice.
For students who wanted to engage in athletics, the class of 1966 offered “The Great Stickball Challenge.”
St. Luke’s Spring Weekend
From Friday, May 14, to Sunday, May 16, 1976, the Social Committee and St. Luke’s organized a special Spring Weekend to conclude the academic year.
On Saturday night, students directed and performed a comedy show. Following the show, students attended an outdoor concert and dance in the main circle.
On Sunday, students participated in an all-day carnival, which included a picnic on Memorial Quad, sponge throwing, ball tossing, a pie-eating contest and a capture-the-flag competition.