Staying Active at Home with Coach Quinn

Although binging food and staying in bed all day may be an easy pattern to fall into during quarantine, it is important not to let your physical health deteriorate. Many students have grown accustomed to staying fit from playing team sports, so planning at-home, individual fitness routines may be a challenge. However, Coach and Trainer Brodie Quinn ’10, director of athletic performance and fitness, is here to help, with accessible online resources and recommendations to make fitness while social distancing simple and engaging.
To stay productive, Coach Quinn recommends exercising daily and formulating a plan to commit to. He suggests varying your workout plan to ensure you don’t get bored and plateau. For instance, running two miles every day may be great exercise for now, but over time this challenge will become easier, and eventually it won’t be a workout at all. To reach a long-term fitness goal, it is crucial to use different muscles and push yourself more as time goes on.
Coach Quinn has also provided several different resources for students who are looking for fitness plans. Right now, the best place to go for information is the Hotchkiss Strength and Conditioning Instagram, @hotchkissstrength. Going forward, Coach Quinn plans to post a weekly schedule of Zoom workouts, as well as challenges or techniques to inspire students with their daily fitness.
He will also work individually with students to create personalized strength and conditioning plans. Coach Quinn encourages those looking for more sport-specific exercises to reach out to their coaches for advice and to follow social media accounts like @gymshark on Instagram. This will lead you to a variety of fitness influencers with numerous free workout plans. With countless difficulty levels and types of exercise, there is something for everyone.
Working out will help you get through quarantine with a healthy body and mind by strengthening your immune system and keeping your mood more positive. If you feel bored or lethargic, get up, get exercising, and use the resources you have to make working out fun. Even if motivation doesn’t always strike, Coach Quinn says, “The days that you don’t want to move are the days it is most important to move.”