Happy Assessment Period!
Feeling stressed? Anxious? Overwhelmed? Overworked? Nauseous? Exhausted? Are your symptoms severe enough to require a well-deserved Health Center visit? You may be suffering from assessment period-itis. Worry not! Here are some of our best tips for managing this extremely precedented time:
Use the TLC
Need quiet time? A peer tutor? Math help? Do you have terrible study habits? Are you constantly attempting to do your homework in the Snack Bar? There’s a room on the third floor of the main building that’s made just for you! It’s called the TLC, which stands for Tender Loving Center? or… the Tacos & Lasagna Committee? or… the Teaching and Learning Center? Anyways, we highly recommend that you pay a visit to the wonderful people that work there.
Reach out to your teachers or your advisor
Sometimes it’s difficult to admit you need help. But you do! And that’s not something to be ashamed of. Ask them to look over that outline, that lab report, that difficult geometry proof, or that oddly constructed sentence. Your teachers do not want to be responsible for your untimely death due to assessment period-itis, so when in doubt, reach out.
Take breaks
Though taking breaks can feel dangerously similar to procrastination, you need it (in moderation, much like coffee). Features Editor Sydney Goldstein ’22 recommends coloring books as a way to take your mind off of the stress of end-of-semester work. Don’t let the assessment period stop you from doing the things you love, whether that means coloring, going for a 6am lift, or napping during your free periods.
Write it all down
Whether your preferences lean towards Post-its, elaborate planners, the back of your math notebook, or your Notes app, writing down your work and your due dates ensures that you’re less likely to let any of it slip.
Study with friends
We all study best in different environments. Some like to sit at a desk, while others sit on their desks (or in their beds). Some like to listen to music while they study, while others don’t. We’re not promising anything, but even though you may think that grabbing a classroom in Main with your friends would distract you from your work, it could also be helpful in making sure you get your work done. When you’re feeling especially overwhelmed, what better activity to cheer you up than hangman with the boys?
And, most importantly… Sleep.
Sleep is for the weak? WRONG!