Athlete of the Issue: John Nicholson ’22

John Nicholson ’22

John Nicholason ’22 practices in the Cullman squash courts.

John Nicholson ’22 has been playing on Boys Varsity Squash for four years and has served as one of the team’s captains for two. Co-captain Will Burke ’22 said, “John is the picture-perfect idea of a genuinely caring captain who serves as a role model to a lot of his teammates. Being a co-captain with him this year, I was able to truly see his dedication to the program and selfless efforts to build up his teammates.”

When and why did you first pick up squash?

I first started playing squash when my dad introduced me to the sport at seven years old. I then played it casually after school with friends until I was 12, when I really began to love being on the court and playing competitively.

What do you enjoy most about playing on the team?

Squash is, at its core, an individual sport. However, what I love about playing squash for Hotchkiss is how it becomes a team sport.. When you step on court for a team match, you are playing not only to win for yourself but to win for your friends/teammates.

What are your goals for this upcoming season?

My main goal for the team this season is to finish in the top four teams at US Squash Nationals, which would be the highest national ranking in Hotchkiss Squash history. Overall, I just want to improve my game and truly enjoy my final squash season at Hotchkiss.

What are you focusing on most during practice and what are you working to improve this season?

I am focusing on improving my speed and winning rallies more efficiently. And of course, everybody can always improve their fitness, so the team will be working with Coach Brodie Quinn ’10 this winter and running many, many court sprints.

What advice would you give to current and future athletes?

I would tell every athlete to enjoy their sport, and not get bogged down by the numbers or results.