School Honors Class of 2020 Cum Laude Inductees

According to the Cum Laude Society Handbook, “The major purpose of the Cum Laude Society is to recognize scholastic achievement in our schools while simultaneously striving to encourage qualities of excellence, justice, and honor.” Hotchkiss elects up to 5% of a class at the end of the Upper Mid year and the remainder at the end of the third marking period of the Senior year, including no more than 20% of the class. 

The sub-committee of faculty members in the Hotchkiss Chapter of Cum Laude nominate students for membership in the Society. They review Hotchkiss-recognized transcripts and take into consideration the following criteria:

  1. Students selected should have academic averages near the top of their class during the two-year period reviewed.
  2. Students selected should have undertaken the most challenging program possible, as indicated by the number of courses taken and the level of courses taken during the two-year period reviewed.
  3. Students selected should have behaved with honor, good character, and integrity in all areas of school life.
  4. Students may not have been placed on any form of probation during the two-year period reviewed (note that students are not excluded if they were on probation during this period, provided that the incident that placed them on probation occurred prior to the review period.) All information contained in a student’s permanent file will be considered, including letters of censure, letters of warning, special letters, etc.

Below is a list of students from the Class of 2020 inducted to the Cum Laude Society this year: