Introducing the New Class Presidents
Rising Lower Mid Class Presidents: Jerry Qiao ’22 and Sydney Goldstein ’22
As students assume new roles in student government, next year’s leaders are calling for greater transparency, more free time, and more efforts to document memories.
Student leader elections, which occurred during the week of May 13, gave classes a chance to come together and consider which two students they would like to represent them for the coming year. Jerry Qiao ’22 and Sydney Goldstein ’22 are the new class presidents for the rising Lower Mids, Keren Mikanda ’21 and Cyrus Farman-Farmaian ’21 are the new class presidents for the rising Upper Mids, and Maggie Smith ’20 and Carter Day ’20 are the new class presidents for the rising Seniors.
Class presidents communicate class members’ opinions to the faculty and administration. Many of the new presidents have served previously as members of the class councils. Smith said, “Carter and I have both served on class council together, and we know how to work together to make sure kids are feeling welcomed and having fun here.”
The class council’s job is to serve as a voice for the class. Mikanda and Farman-Farmaian hope to give students on the council more responsibilities next year. Specifically, Mikanda and Farman-Farmaian would like council members to lead more events, such as beach parties and movie nights. Farman-Farmaian said, “Keren and I want to make sure that [our] class is represented in the school, and that we fight for our grade.”Each pair of newly elected president pairs hopes to implement innovative and original ideas in the upcoming year. For Qiao and Goldstein that means encouraging class bonding with feeds and field trips.
In addition to giving the Class Council a more important role, Mikanda and Farman-Farmaian hope to reorganize the way class meetings are run through reducing the number of announcements and using slideshows. Mikanda and Farman-Farmaian hope shortening class meetings will give students more free time to catch up on work or see friends before the next period begins.
Day and Smith want to create a film documenting moments of their senior year, beginning with the Upper Mid class barbeque on Senior grass at the end of this year. Day and Smith hope to improve class bonding with the idea of Senior cafe in the student center with food and drinks.
The presidents had different reasons for running for the role. Mikanda realized Upper Mid year can be a stress-induced time for many students, due to increased academic and social pressure. Therefore, Mikanda ran for class president with the hopes of creating a more enjoyable year. For Smith, who has lived at Hotchkiss for many years, recognizes that the student body looks up to the Senior class, and wants to use her roles to ensure all students feel welcomed and at home. Smith said, “Hotchkiss holds such a special place in my heart, [and] I want everyone else to feel that too.”
When asked how and why the pairs decided to run together, each new president spoke of the valuable qualities of their partners, expressing their confidence in the other’s abilities and eagerness to begin their terms together. More specifically, the new presidents view their partner as approachable, a quality necessary for other students to feel comfortable sharing their opinions and providing various perspective. Mikanda said, “Cyrus [is] responsible, trusting, and able to work well with everyone.”
Smith and Day are currently planning their first class barbeque at the end of this year, which signals their succession into the Senior class. Other class presidents’ responsibilities start at Orientation in the fall, with the integration of new students into their respective grades. The rising presidents are working closely with the current presidents to plan for a smooth and seamless transition into the new year.
Prep class presidents will be elected in mid-fall after the new students get the chance to become acquainted with one another.
Class Council elections will be held in the fall of the 2019-2020 school year.