The Return of Sleepovers?

Since the beginning of this school year, students have not been allowed to sleep over with friends living in other dorm rooms, as part of a revised interdorming policy. This departure from previous years’ policies, which did permit sleepovers, has been met with much discussion and controversy from students across all grades.

Student Body Co-Presidents Daniel Pai ’19 and Caitlin Reilly ’19 recently hosted an open StuFac meeting to gather students’ perspectives on the current policy. Reilly said, “Many students have come up to me and said that sleepovers were one of the main ways they made friends. I have also heard proctors living in lowerclass dorms voice concern about being denied a space to hang out with their friends, the overwhelming majority of [whom] live in upperclass dorms.”

 Brian Wong ’19, a proctor in Garland, expressed disappointment with the current sleepover policy, saying, “[Sleepovers] were a crucial part of my Hotchkiss experience. In fact, a lot of the most valuable moments I had with my friends came during sleepovers.” The current policy, Wong said, “inhibits close friendships.”

Some students wonder why the policy changed. Pai said, “For many students, sleepovers were a great bonding experience, and had always been an integral part of Hotchkiss life. The main issue is that none of us students know why sleepovers were removed this year, since there’s never been an issue with them before — at least, not that we are aware of.”

Due to overwhelming student interest in reinstating sleepovers, Pai and Reilly plan to further discuss the issue with the administration. Describing potential next steps, Reilly said, “Our plan is to speak to the heads of each dorm and see what their issues are with sleepovers. This way, we can develop a proposal that addresses any possible counterarguments and satisfies the needs of everyone.”

Pai and Reilly hope to achieve a change in the policy by the end of the school year. Reilly said, “We’re optimistic, because the school administration appears to be open to a compromise. We know it’s going to be a challenge and that we ultimately can’t control the administration’s decision, but we are willing to put in the work that is required. We’re hoping for the best.”