A Deep Dive into ink.

Jiahua Chen ’20

A compilation of ink.’s most recent issues.

ink., an art and literary magazine established in 2012, is currently  led by Edward Guo ’19, Dear Liu ’19, and Alex Xu ’19. In an effort to unpack the club’s long–term goals, we sat down with them to talk.

What is the mission of ink.? 

To showcase and promote the school community’s creativity in art and literature, engage the community in discussion about art and literature, and provide the community with inspirations.

How does ink. support its mission? 

We support the mission by publishing excellent works from members of the community as well as promoting art/literature-related activities on campus. 

Why is it important to have a magazine, such as ink., to consistently publish the visual and literary art of the community?

The school’s display of art is most often sorted by department, i.e. the photography and art department have separate spaces to showcase their work; the literary work of the community mostly goes unnoticed beyond English classes. We aim to create a coherent entity that combines these disciplines. By creating such mixture, we often discover deeper meaning behind both the literary and artistic work. The mixture leads to a more complex combination of ideas, and it is our job to capture these ideas and present them as potential inspirations.

How does ink. aim to capture the artistic diversity of the school in each issue?

We [intentionally] do not create themes for our issue to ensure the widest scope of submission.