Let’s Start Caring Rather Than Commenting
On Thursday, September 27, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee to address Dr. Ford’s allegation that Judge Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while they were in high school. Judge Kavanaugh is currently a nominee for the Supreme Court, and Dr. Ford is one of several women who have accused him of sexual assault.
As much as the media and society have called last week’s hearing “The Kavanaugh Hearing” it is just as much, if not more, the “Dr. Ford Hearing.” Dr. Ford delivered a testimony that we should believe in and take seriously. For the Senate to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is to disregard the stories and experiences of all sexual assault cases. To truly honor Dr. Ford’s bravery and patriotism for stepping forward and delivering this testimony, is to not only believe her but to take action in response to her testimony.
Directly following the hearing, posts on numerous social media platforms featured images and messages with the message, “We Believe You, Dr. Ford.” Dr. Ford’s testimony is a very compelling one and it is one I believe. While sworn in at the hearing, Dr. Ford said, “I am here today not because I want to be – I am terrified.” In the video footage of the hearing, I couldn’t help notice that Dr. Ford’s voice was trembling. It would be one thing for Dr. Ford to say she was terrified, but then go on to confidently deliver a non-emotional testimony. However, Dr. Ford said she was terrified, and delivered a story with a trembling voice and tears in her eyes.
Dr. Ford is a psychology professor at Palo Alto University, and a research psychologist at Stanford University. She is not an actress. Only a skilled and talented actress would be able to deliver such a testimony if it were a lie. In addition, she has admitted that, like most 51-year-old adults, she could not recall the exact details of the gathering she attended during one of her high school summers. There is no reason not to believe Dr. Ford.
It is one thing to say in the media, “We Believe You, Dr. Ford.” It is a basic thing to believe Dr. Ford’s testimony. However, that says nothing about the action that will be taken now that she has shared it. It is one thing for people to believe Dr. Ford, but it is more difficult, and much more important, to hold the Senate accountable for caring about her and her story. The sad fact is, if the Senate votes to confirm Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, it may not mean they do not believe Dr. Ford’s testimony. It may simply mean they do not care.