As The Record’s 124th Editorial Board, we are excited to announce the 125th Editorial Board.
These individuals selected have been extremely dedicated and passionate throughout the past year, and we are super-excited to have them on board.
To our newest additions of the 125th Editorial Board – we are grateful for the work you all have put in in the past months as writers, editors, photographers, and more. Whether it be the articles, photos, or graphics that you all have previously created for The Record, we thank you all.
Through your past work we have been able to witness your passion and creativity. For this, we are extremely excited for you all to join The Record.
We look forward to what you all will create in the future. Congratulations on your new roles on The Record!
To our outgoing editors on the 124th Editorial Board, we thank you all for your dedication and hard work throughout the year.
We recognize the time commitment and effort that goes into the newspaper, and have really enjoyed working with you all.
Through editing articles, working on layout on InDesign, and coordinating with writers and editors alike, we also hope that you have been able to learn important lessons and gain skills that will follow you for life.
Throughout the countless meetings and layout sessions, we hope that you all have enjoyed your experience working for The Record. We will miss you all.
To our readers, thank you for your constant support and readership. As we at The Record prepare for new updates and improvements to our online publishing and social media presence, we urge you all to keep an eye out for new developments.
The 125th Editorial Board
Angela Li ’24, Nate Seidenstein ’24, and Benjamin Who ’24
News Editors
Dylan Ah Now ’25, Anji Ashaye ’24, and Rebekah Oppenheimer ’24
Features Editors
Anthony Hu ’25 and Ethan Shin ’25
Opinions Editors
Petr Berlizov ’24 and Sophie Perkel ’24
Arts Editors
Kate Chou ’25 and Aaliyah Wang ’25
Sports Editors
Matias Acevado ’24 and Julian Brown ’25
Photo Editors and Staff Photographers
Sea Phongsphetarat ’24, Jami Huang ’25, and Remy Lee ’26
Director of Digital Media and Communications
Mia Nyoke ’24
Graphics Editor
Hanna Sun ’24
Website Manager
Daniel Zhang ’26
Faculty Advisors
Ann Villano and Emma Wynn