Athlete of the Issue: Kiernan McColgan ’22

Izhaar Rosa ’22

McColgan plays on the Varsity Field Hockey team.

Kiernan McColgan ’22 is a four-year Senior and a co-captain of the Varsity Field Hockey team. Next year, McColgan will continue her academic and athletic career at Wesleyan University. Teammate Sarah Holmes ’23 said, “Kiernan is the heart of our defense. Although she is playing probably one of, if not, the most stressful positions, she takes the field with a certain calmness, making her job look effortless. She is one of the most positive and helpful teammates I have been blessed to play with.”

When and why did you start playing field hockey?

I started playing field hockey when I was in seventh grade. I swam competitively growing up, but my brothers were always a lot better than me, so I had a lot of pressure to be good at it. But, I was awful, so I decided to try something new and I just stuck with field hockey.

What are your goals for the season?

Hopefully to win a NEPSAC Championship, to have a winning season, and obviously to beat Greenwich Country Day and Sacred Heart.

What do you love most about playing field hockey?

At Hotchkiss, the team is super close and it’s really just a good group of girls. Having the opportunity to go out everyday and play a sport that I enjoy with the people I like makes [field hockey] special.

What advice would you give to current or future athletes?

Make the most out of every practice you have at Hotchkiss. Your time goes by so quickly, and I wish I could go back to Prep year.

What challenges have you faced this year?

It was hard with all of the  COVID restrictions that have been in place since last year. A lot of the girls have not been able to play in an actual field hockey game, so having the whole team on board with the rules and getting a feel for how the game operates has been a priority.

Can you share a favorite moment or highlight from playing field hockey at Hotchkiss?

During my Prep year, we beat Greenwich Academy in overtime and everyone rushed onto the field and we created a huge dog pile.

Who has inspired you during your time on the field hockey team? And why?

My roommate Mackay Bommer ’22. We’ve been playing field hockey together since our Prep year, and we’ve always helped each other out and been there for each other. She inspires me to work hard, and I hope I have done the same for her.